07 October 2009

Bonus drops....

The next item is ready to be dropped, I just haven't decided where to leave it yet. I'll figure that out later this evening. In the mean time, I've left three ACEO (Art Cards Editions & Originals)out and about...

Bonus 1

Bonus 2

Bonus 3


Christina Colwell said...

These are so cute and the random dropping of ACEO's is a great idea. Like planting little seeds every where you go. I'm happy to see that you have some affection for Paisley. However the bird in the tree is my favorite.

Do you leave your information on the back of your ACEO's or do you do anonymously?

Little Art, Big Heart said...

The back of the cards read..."This is my own little "urban art" project. It's intended to do nothing more than brighten your day. You are holding in your hand an ACEO (Art Cards Editions & Originals). An ACEO is a small work of art that is an original piece or one of a very limited edition. Please enjoy it yourself, or feel free to pass it on if you prefer. If you'd like to comment about it, go to www.littleartbigheart.blogspot.com. Find the photo of your card (or you can search by the info below)and leave a comment.

The info that is included on the card below shows my initials, the project number (so they can search the blog) a note about whether or not the card is an original or part of a limited edition, and the date it was created.

All Wrongs Reserved said...

I found the third one over at my place of work. I dig it. It's a really neat idea.

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